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Blemish Removals - Warts, Moles, Cysts, Red Vein etc

Blemish Removals - Warts, Moles, Cysts, Red Vein etc

Prices start from £55

Advanced Electrolysis - ACP

EMS (Electro Micro Surgery) - ACP (advanced cosmetic procedures) - CD(Cosmetic Diathermy) Advanced Electrolysis, Thermolysis uses A/C, RF diathermy current to remove unwanted skin blemishes such as skin tags, warts, moles, veins, mila and much more (list below). Blemishes such as these can be disfiguring but can be efficiently and cost effectively removed quickly by this method with little or no residual marking on the skin.

Not only is this a very effective treatment, this treatment is non-invasive, with risk of minimal scarring, quick and probably one of the most cost-effective ways to get rid of blemishes.

Any moles must be examined by your GP or dermatologist and deemed safe for removal by this method before we are able to proceed.

Having skin tags and other blemishes treated can be expensive and run in to hundreds even for just one blemish! We can treat blemishes for a fraction of this cost and give you the cosmetic results that you want using one of the most established treatments available – Cosmetic Diathermy / ACP / Electro Micro Surgery

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (ACP) using electro micro surgery is suitable for a wide diversity of skin blemishes that can be quickly and easily treated with immediate and effective results offering eventual blemish free smooth looking skin without cutting, stitching or leaving surgical scars.

Age Spots/Pigmentation marks

Campbell de Morgans/Cherry Angiomas

Common Warts

Dermatosis Paplosa Nigra

Hairs in moles



Molluscum Contagiosum

Plane Wart Treatment

Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous Naevi

Seborrhoeic Keratosis

Skin Tag Removal or Papillomas

Spider Naevus


Thread Veins



Telangiectasia (Red Veins)

These are not ‘broken capillaries’ as so often named, but permanently dilated capillaries. The fine facial capillaries dilate and constrict constantly in order to control the body temperature, they lose their elasticity and weaken so they can become permanently dilated. Their visibility is often seen by the breakdown of collagen and elastin and ageing, thinning skin.

There are many causes for telangiectasia including: ageing, hereditary and genetic, pregnancy, hormones, smoking, general skin fragility, extreme sports, temperature extremes and harsh weather exposure. They are commonly seen in 'English rose’ complexions.

A course of advanced electrolysis is usually recommended for telangiectasia. Both thermolysis and blend methods can be utilised, but the latter is only practiced by a few specialists in the field. Diathermy is more commonly used, which involves a very accurate positioning of the probe over the blood vessel and a current is applied to cauterise. This causes that tiny section of vessel to immediately disappear.

Campbell de Morgan (Blood spots)

These are vascular blemishes also known as Cherry Angioma or Blood Spots. They are seen slightly raised or dome shaped. They are mostly seen on the trunk in middle aged and elderly clients and are more common in men than women. Larger ones might need more than one treatment. Smaller ones often disappear at one treatment.

Spider Naevus

Spider Naevus is a dilated blood vessel, with smaller capillaries radiating from it like the legs of a spider. They can be a result of a trauma to the skin, for example, a bump to the skin in sports. Certain conditions can make them worse including extreme heat and cold, obesity, pregnancy, stress or pressure on the area. Several spider naevus appearing spontaneously is a cause for concern as it might indicate something more sinister. They can be treated with Blend or Diathermy methods although they might need more than one treatment.

Skin Tags (Fibroepithelial polyp/papilloma)

Skin Tags are a common fibrous skin condition commonly found in areas of moisture or friction such as the armpits, under the breasts, groin or around the neck. Derived from epithelial cells and consisting of loose fibrous tissue, they form single or multiple distributions. They often vary in size from very small to the size of a large pea or larger. They are viral in nature (Human Papilloma Virus HPV) and whilst not infectious they can proliferate on individuals to hundreds of them on some people.

Skin Tags are very easily treated using advanced cosmetic procedures, whether they are tiny ones between the eyelashes to large ones under the arms. Areas of friction such as the under the breasts and under folds of skin are very common areas to find these irritating lesions. Advanced electrolysis is probably the quickest, easiest and safest way of removing them with leaving no scars.

There are three different methods of skin tag removal for different types of tags depending on their size and their location, at consultation the recommended method will be discussed (skin tags on the genital areas are contra-indicated and are not treated).


Milia present themselves as small white lipid-epithelium lumps which contain lamellated keratin deposits and often show as hard white spots lying in the superficial papillary dermis. They are a retention of keratin and sebaceous material within the pilosebaceous duct, eccrine sweat duct, or the sebaceous collar surrounding vellus hair. Their exact cause is unknown although they are often related to diet with a high cholesterol intake, rich moisturising creams and are also associated with dry skin which can be acidic.

They can all be treated easily with advanced electrolysis techniques using diathermy (AC) current which gently cauterises them so that the hard keratinised centre is broken down. This is an advanced way to treat them, as opposed to removing them with a microlance, which can bruise or damage the skin and cause broken capillaries. Milia can be seen between the eyelashes, on the eyelid itself, the cheek area or anywhere on the face or neck. They tend to grow in size and become harder. Some people may only suffer one and others hundreds in one area.

EMS (Electro Micro Surgery) - ACP (advanced cosmetic procedures) - CD(Cosmetic Diathermy) Advanced Electrolysis, Thermolysis uses A/C, RF diathermy current to remove unwanted skin blemishes such as skin tags, warts, moles, veins, mila and much more (list below). Blemishes such as these can be disfiguring but can be efficiently and cost effectively removed quickly by this method with little or no residual marking on the skin.

Not only is this a very effective treatment, this treatment is non-invasive, with risk of minimal scarring, quick and probably one of the most cost-effective ways to get rid of blemishes.

Any moles or other lesions must be examined by your GP or dermatologist and deemed safe for removal by this method before we are able to proceed.

Having skin tags and other blemishes treated can be expensive and run in to hundreds even for just one blemish! We can treat blemishes for a fraction of this cost and give you the cosmetic results that you want using one of the most established treatments available – Cosmetic Diathermy / ACP / Electro Micro Surgery

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (ACP) using electro micro surgery is suitable for a wide diversity of skin blemishes that can be quickly and easily treated with immediate and effective results offering eventual blemish free smooth looking skin without cutting, stitching or leaving surgical scars.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis classified within the wart family, but these are not contagious. They present as raised or crusty and appear quite common on the face and hands in older people. They are usually brown because of melanin and so can be mistaken for moles to the untrained eye. They can be removed with diathermy (AC) simply and effectively.

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra is peculiar to black or middle eastern skin and is a common papular disorder. The lesions are histologically identical to seborrhoea keratosis and seen as smooth, dome shaped, brown to black papules seen mainly on the cheeks, neck and upper chest. These are generally a very common disorder and the famous actor Morgan Freeman has many of these on his face. They are very easily and successfully treated using diathermy as in advanced cosmetic procedures by electrolysis techniques.


Hairs from moles are easily treated by those trained in advanced electrolysis techniques. Once treated, it is normal for the mole to reduce in size and colour. Hairs in moles are generally deep terminal hairs with a very rich blood and nerve supply to them. Repeat treatments, as with electrolysis hair removal are required and blend or diathermy can be used.

A mole itself is easily treated but rather than ‘removing’ by excision we ‘visibly reduce the appearance’ of the mole. A number of techniques are used all using diathermy (AC). Moles may require 2-3 sessions. The first treatment will reduce the mole by up to three quarters of its size and then a follow up treatment can smooth it so that it is flat to the skin. The colour can never be guaranteed to exactly match the surrounding skin but if the mole is much darker than the remaining skin, following treatment, it will almost certainly be lighter. Moles are assessed on a case by cases bases, in some cases just one treatment is required.

Some moles might require a dermatologist's letter prior to treatment.

Age Spots

Age spots are caused by an accumulation of a yellow pigment called lipofuscin from ageing of the collagen producing cells. They are very common on the hands and face of middle aged and elderly patients. Chemical peels and skin whitening products are commonly used for treatment, but electrolysis is also very effective. Using a very fine electrolysis needle and diathermy (AC) current a tiny section of the age spot is lifted from the underlying tissue and the colour underneath is observed. If the tiny area exposed is lighter in colour, removal can go ahead with varying degrees of success. If the pigment underneath the tiny section lifted is the same colour as the age spot itself, the pigment goes deep into the dermis and treatment will not be successful.


Xanthelasma Palpebera appears on the eyelids and are flat yellowish growths around the eyelid. They cause no pain if they are successfully treated with diathermy. They require more than one treatment and often over a period of time allowing the skin to heal.


Syringomas are benign eccrine gland tumours presenting as flat papules or plates found around the eye area particularly under the eye. They are easily treated with diathermy in advanced cosmetic procedures by electrolysis techniques.

Molluscum Contagiosum

This is a common condition of small ‘warty pearly’ white or slightly pink lumps on the skin, each lump being round, firm and about 1-5mm wide. It is a contagious virus. New ones tend to appear as old ones fade, as the virus spreads to other areas of skin. Therefore ‘crops’ appear and disappear for several months and it can take 12-18 months before they are gone completely. Electrolysis using diathermy can successfully desiccate each molluscum.

Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous Cyst or Steatoma, is an accumulation of keratin trapped under the surface of the skin within a sebaceous sac created from skin cells. They are slow-growing, small bumps or lumps under the skin.

Sebaceous cysts are formed often due to swollen hair follicles, blocked glands, skin trauma and higher levels of testosterone in the body. Keratin is an extremely strong protein found naturally within the body and is made up of dead cells and amino acids such as seen in nails and hair.

The size of the cyst can vary from very small to the size of an egg, and the areas affected can be anywhere i.e face, chest, scalp, neck and legs.

Depending on the size and location of the cyst, more than one session might be required. Successful treatment cannot always be guaranteed as every cyst is very individual in nature.

A small probe is inserted into the sebaceous cyst a number of times with an A/C, RF diathermy current. The heat cauterises the cyst and immediately reduces it's size. The cyst can also be drained out or shaved if necessary. Further treatment might be required for larger size cysts

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